Tuesday, April 23, 2013


It dawned on me yesterday when I was thinking about going to crossfit, that I'm sick.   But I don't feel sick. I can almost do 1/3 of a pull up and everything else I'm told to do for the hour and feel great doing it, but I'm sick.  That was the moment it crystallized for me.  Every day since the big "announcement" I have been skipping all sugar, and tonight I finally pulled the juicer out and made a huge glass of vegetable juice as part of my dinner.  I combined carrots with the tops, beets with the greens,  celery, green apples, a few small limes and a piece of fresh ginger.  It ends up being dark purple and gives a burst of energy afterwards.  I 've heard so many people say, "You of all people, but you're so HEALTHY".  My mother was kind enough to tell me that she has personally known 4 people who were organic health food purists who each died of cancer, which means that organic food might kill you.  Well since it doesn't just target people who eat really well, I guess we can let that one go.

But cancer really does feed on sugar. (http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/hnf/hnf_6037.htm) So I've been going without, but how long can a person survive without chocolate? And one more random thought about food. My friend Charlotte gave me two frozen meals... enchiladas and a lasagna.  I happen to know that this cooking took her outside of her comfort zone, so I feel loved all the more. Oh wait, one more thing about food. Thanks to my dear friend Honey for helping me to make 20 individual sized pizzas and two big ones for the freezer!

What's coming:

1- Tomorrow we meet with the surgeon for the first time. I think we will get more clarity about what we are looking at.

2- Thursday is the MRI to see how much is might have spread.

3_ Next Wednesday we meet with the oncologist,  and then to keep the fun from ending I run over to a bone density test.

Falling asleep as I write this because sleeping has also been compromised a bit.  My usual wake up once and go back to sleep has become a wake up one time and them flip flop for two hours.  I thnk it will be better tonight.

Thanks for all the love and prayers because I feel it in a real and tangible way, and even now I can say that I am so blessed.



  1. Prayerfully, a very small part of you is sick. But the rest of you is very healthy and getting healthier now that you've stopped consuming sugar! Keep up the good work. Praying you sleep well tonight and wake up tomorrow with God's strength and peace to get through the day <3

  2. Thanks Leora, and for the offer to go crazy wig shopping. I'll try to remember that when I get there! Thanks for all of your love and prayers!
